Date: Legislation:Vote:Result:
1/3/24Pro. Ord. 12 Sale of 1525 Steuben Street (adopted as Ord. #5)YeaPassed 9-0
1/3/24Pro. Ord. 10 Sale of 135 Gold Street (adopted as Ord. #4)YeaPassed 9-0
1/3/24Pro. Ord. 8 Sale of 746 Jay Street (adopted as Ord. #3)YeaPassed 9-0
1/3/24Pro. Ord. 6 Sale of Blandina Street (adopted as Ord. #2)YeaPassed 9-0
1/3/24Pro. Ord. 4 Sale of 1119 Start Street (adopted as Ord. #1)YeaPassed 9-0
1/3/24Pro. Res. 13 Resolution Approving Confirmatory Deed from the City of UticaYeaPassed 9-0
1/3/24Pro. Res. 12 Resolution Approving Confirmatory Deed from the City of UticaYeaPassed 9-0
1/3/24Pro. Res. 11 Acknowledgment of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Committee of the Whole: Jack LoMedico and Mark WilliamsonYeaPassed 8-1
1/3/24Pro. Res. 9 Appointment to the Board of Contract and Supply: Joseph Betrus (Second Chair: Katie Aiello)YeaPassed 8-1
1/3/24Pro. Res. 8 Appointment to the Board of Estimate & Apportionment: Katie Aiello (Second Chair: Frank Carcone)YeaPassed 7-2
1/3/24Pro. Res. 7 Appointments to the Urban Renewal Agency: Venice Ervin and Joseph BetrusYeaPassed 9-0
1/3/24Pro. Res. 5 Acknowledgement of Majority Leader and Minority Leaders: Councilman Jack LoMedico and Councilman Mark WilliamsonYeaPassed 9-0
1/3/24Pro. Res. 3 Designation of Official Newspaper: Daily SentinelYeaPassed 9-0
1/3/24Pro. Res. 2 Appointment of President Pro-Tempore 2024-2025: Joseph BetrusYeaPassed 8-1
1/3/24Pro. Res. 1 Appoinment of City Clerk for the Ensuing Two Years, 2024-2025: Melissa Sciortino YeaPassed 9-0
1/3/24Pro. Res 10 Adopting New Rules of Order (Committee of the Whole) by Councilman Jack LoMedicoYeaPassed 5-4
1/3/24Pro. Res 6 Adopting New Rules of Order (Standing Committees) by Councilwoman Samantha Colosimo-TestaNayDefeated 4-5